Baseline and follow-up survey in the Bay of Ranobe – TOLIARA
In the frame of the ARMS Restore project, Rebuilding coral reefs in Madagascar using a new tool to restore biodiversity, build fisheries, and improve human health, we will be evaluating the livelihood and human nutritional impacts of changes in local marine systems. Our team will use a mixed-methods approach to collect a variety of information spanning social, environmental, and clinical health data. We will survey a random sample of households in the village of Ambotsibotsiky, Songeritelo, Beravy, Ambalaboy, Ifaty, Mangily, Amboaboaky, Madiorano, Betsibaroky, Ambolimailaky, Andrevo andFitsitikyintheBayofRanobe,andconnectthesedatawithfisheriescatch data to link fisheries condition to human health and well-being. For this survey our team is hiring research assistants for the data collection in these villages.
Main task
During 3 years, the research assistants will run surveys in the 12 villages in the Bay of Ranobe every 3 months using pre-established questionnaires. He/She will spend roughly one month in the field every three months. This field work consists of meeting with individuals in the sampled households, and asking them the questions prepared in a tablet.
Minimum qualification
- Bachelor Degree required
- Public speaking skills
- Ability to handle computers and tablets (using applications, MS Office)
- Ability to work in groups
- Ability to adapt in the field
- Basic knowledge in the use of KoBo application is an asset
- Preference for prior survey implementation experience
Send your application letter and CV at, and before November 24th, 2022. We can also provide you more information by contacting this email address.